Module optseq2 :: Class Temporal
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Class Temporal

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, pred, succ, tempType, delay)
OptSeq temporal class.
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__str__(self) source code
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, pred, succ, tempType, delay)

source code 

OptSeq temporal class.

A temporal constraint has the following form:

   predecessor's completion (start) time +delay <=
                   successor's start (completion) time.

Parameter "delay" can be negative.

  • Arguments:
    • pred: Predecessor (an activity object) or string "source." Here, "source" specifies a dummy activity that precedes all other activities and starts at time 0.
    • succ: Successor (an activity object) or string "source." Here, "source" specifies a dummy activity that precedes all other activities and starts at time 0.
    • tempType (optional): String that differentiates the temporal type. "CS" (default)=Completion-Start, "SS"=Start-Start, "SC"= Start-Completion, "CC"=Completion-Completion.
    • delay (optional): Time lag between the completion (start) times of two activities.
  • Attributes:
    • pred: Predecessor (an activity object) or string "source."
    • succ: Successor (an activity object) or string "source."
    • type: String that differentiates the temporal type. "CS" (default)=Completion-Start, "SS"=Start-Start, "SC"= Start-Completion, "CC"=Completion-Completion.
    • delay: Time lag between the completion (start) times of two activities.