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ホーム 講演資料 略歴 著書・論文・発表 講義 English Page


Mikio Kubo

Japanese Page

Curriculum Vitae  (PDF)

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 Education/Professional Certification

Dr. of Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (1993)

 Career History

Research assistant (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) 1990-1993

Lecturer (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Tokyo, Japan) 1993-1994

Associate professor (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Tokyo, Japan) 1995-2003 

Associate professor (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan)  2003-2007

Professor (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan)  2008

 Career Related Activities

A member of the research spread committee of Operations Research Society of Japan (1990-1994)

A member of the rationalization of distribution system in housing industry (1993-1995)

Lecturer of Saitama University, Saitama, Japan (1994-1995)

Lecturer of Tokyo Institute of Technology (1995-1996)

Lecturer of Waseda University (2005)

 Professional Memberships

Operations Research Society of Japan

Mathematical Programming Society

The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences


Ohkawa Prize (Probabilistic Network Design Problem) appeared in Bulletin of the Center for Informatics, Waseda University, Vol. 16, pp. 44-55 (1994)

Popularization Prize, Operations Research Society of Japan (2003) 

SSOR Presentation Award (2007) 


2005 September: Patent number 3722763  Algorithm for determining slab weight with JFE steel

2007 Fast shortest path preprocessing and query method (with Y. Miyamoto and T. Uno)